Hair care impacts the overall hygiene of the hair and also ones appearance and personality. A proper hair care routine helps to maintain a healthy scalp and mane. A hair care routine involves proper selection of hair products, staying hydrated, eating healthy food and being stress free.
Here are few dos and don’ts of hair care:

Dos of Hair care:
- Massage your scalp lightly with fingers to stimulate the growth. Oiling is recommended at least twice a week.
- Use chemical free organic products to avoid the damage to the hair.
- Cover the hair with a cap or hat before stepping out in the sun.
- Preferably towel dry your hair.
- Apply hair mask once a week to keep the hair hydrated and nourished.
- Apply shampoo to the scalp shaft and conditioner only to the shaft.
- Regularly trim the hair to avoid split ends and breakage.
- Use a satin or silk pillow cover to avoid damaging the hair while sleeping. Also change the pillow covers once a week.
- Have a nutrient rich food and stay hydrated to get healthy lustrous hair.
- Wash your hair with a chemical free shampoo followed by a conditioner after swimming.
- Clean the brushes and comb regularly with soap water to avoid deposits stuck on them to get attached to the hair.
- Keep changing the parting of the hair to avoid creating a big gap at that place.

Don’ts of Hair care:
- Do not go for regular chemical treatments like coloring, bleaching, straightening and blow drying that makes the hair frizzy and prone to breakages.
- Do not rub the hair harshly while drying. Just lightly pat them with a towel.
- Do not over comb the hair. That spreads the sebum down the shaft and makes them greasy.
- Do not frequently opt for hair sprays and styling products. They damage the hair and make them frizzy.
- Do not use metal combs and brushes .They tend to damage the hair cuticles instead use a wooden wide tooth comb.
- Do not hurry while hair wash. Keep the conditioner at least for 5 minutes to absorb properly and moisturize.
- Do not comb the hair when wet .They tend to break easily when wet.
- Do not tie the hair very tightly as they may break.
- Do not use hot water to wash the hair .It strips off natural oil from the hair thus damaging it.
- Do not ignore a long lasting heavy hair fall and dandruff. Get medical help to find out the cause.