
Hair care- Some myths and facts

Hair care in general involves maintaining the hygiene of the scalp and the hair shaft. With so  many treatment options available these days which make use of chemicals to treat the hair, it  is becoming more difficult to have a healthy mane. Hair is sometimes called the barometer of  health. It can reflect an individual’s lifestyle, indicating the stresses, tensions and variations in  the body. Continued lifestyle stresses can result in dull lifeless hair.  

In the olden times, hair was simply oiled and washed with a simple concoction of herbs and  the people were good to go, having long and healthy hair, as a result. But as time progressed, along with the change in lifestyle, increase in pollution, increased stress levels as a daily part  of life and extensive use of harsh chemical treatments for the hair, people started facing hair  related issues like dandruff, hair fall, dry scalp etc. as minor issues and alopecia, psoriasis etc as major issues. These conditions further affect the mental well being of a person and one ends  up in a chaotic situation. To add to all these issues is the overload of information through social  media platforms and Google search etc. Such information is not necessarily correct and may  result in damage to the hair.  

Here are certain myths and facts about hair care which would guide us to maintain healthy and  problem free hair:


1) If you pluck one grey hair two will grow back in its place:  

This myth horrifies people. But the fact is that only one hair strand grows per follicle.  The surrounding hair will not turn white until their own follicles pigments die. In fact  plucking hair more often will damage the follicle and may result in no hair in that spot.

2) Using expensive products will give thick and healthy hair:  

Each individual has different type of hair and hence different needs. So what works for  others may not necessarily work for you. Using expensive products without  understanding individual needs or wrong products can cause more damage to the hair.  The hair quality also depends on the overall life style and nutrition one is taking. The  healthier life style you follow like drinking enough water, having a good night sleep  and having a balanced diet etc. the healthier will be your hair.

3) Shampoo that lathers a lot is the best shampoo:

In fact more the lather, the chances are that it contains more percentage of harmful chemicals and it will cause damage to the hair, instead of helping. Lathering agent like  SLS can cause significant scalp irritation, especially in people with sensitive skin. If  sulfates cause enough irritation, they could contribute to hair damage and hair thinning  in some people. So one should always read the ingredients list and make an aware  decision while buying products.

4) Flaky scalp means you have dandruff:

Flakes often indicate need for moisture and  exfoliation. So trying an anti dandruff shampoo may further dry the scalp and aggravate 

the problem. If it is accompanied with redness and rash it needs a dermatologist  consultation.

5) Brushing hair frequently makes it healthier and strong:  

In fact brushing too frequently and with strong strokes can pull out healthy hair and  damage them. Brushing should be done for styling only and not for scalp stimulation.


1) Shampoo followed by the conditioner makes your hair frizz free, soft and well managed.  Shampoos help to cleanse dirt, impurities and dead debris from the scalp and hair whereas conditioners not only moisturize the hair strands but also build a protective layer around the shaft. 

2) You should not change your hair care products frequently as products with organic and  natural ingredients take time to show the expected results. Products should be free of  sulphates and silicones. 

3) Regular trimming of hair prevents split ends, removes frizziness and makes them tangle  free. 

4) Use cold or lukewarm water to wash hair as using hot water on your hair regularly can  make it brittle and porous, leading to increased breakage and hair loss. Moreover, hot  water opens up skin pores that can make your hair roots weaker, further aggravating  hair fall. Wet hair should never be tied as they are fragile due to temporary change in  the chemical bonds. This tends to make hair more elastic and break easily.